Road To Recovery, registration number 580525533, is an organization of volunteers who drive Palestinians undergoing medical treatment in Israeli hospitals to and from the crossings into Israel. We mostly drive children with severe ailments for whom medical treatments and procedures are unavailable in the West Bank or Gaza. For these children and their family guardians, logistics and travel costs to Israeli hospitals are prohibitive, particularly for patients requiring regular and recurring treatment.
Our nation-wide information networks for referral and collaboration network includes Palestinian field volunteers, hospitals, and fellow non-profit Israeli and Palestinian organizations (e.g., “Doctors for Human Rights”, “Basmat el Amal”, “Rabbis for Human Rights”).
In addition to transporting Palestinian patients to hospitals all over Israel, we assist those with limited means in the acquisition of specialized outpatient medical equipment. We also organize special rehabilitation and retreat days for Palestinian patients and their families in Israeli recreation destinations.
Thanks to our donors, since 2014 we have been able to reimburse our volunteers for most of their gasoline expenses, a fact that enabled more volunteers to join our ranks. As of 2018, our ranks number close to 2,000 volunteer drivers, who in 2018 alone provided over 10,000 hospital-trips, mostly for children, covering 800,000 miles.
Despite our on-going efforts to recruit additional volunteers, we are still having difficulties assigning volunteers to transport patients from Gaza. To meet the growing demand for patient transportation from Gaza in view of the armed conflicts with Israel.
We have received countless thanks and heart-warming gestures of gratitude from the patients and their families. Since the founding of our organization over 7 years ago, our activity has created tens of thousands of person-hours of interaction between Palestinians and Israelis, thereby forging special and personal bonds at unparalleled scale in the context of every-day life. The “Road to Recovery” is as much about the recovery of mutual respect, trust, dialog and friendship among Israelis and Palestinians as it is about individual patients’ physical recovery.
For more information, see our annual activity reports for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013, and browse the articles and videos listed in From the Media.